Dr Sarah Jarvis, MBE
Author: Dr Sarah Jarvis, MBE, General Practitioner (GP)

Dr Sarah Jarvis is the Clinical Director of the Patient Platform, an active medical writer, broadcaster, and the resident doctor for BBC Radio 2.

Originally posted: 23rd Sep 2024

Holidays should be all about unwinding – while some intrepid holidaymakers are set on high-adrenaline activities, most of us want to relax, recharge, and come back feeling invigorated.

Sadly, all too often, sleeping difficulties both before and during your holiday get in the way of a restful break, whether you are planning to travel to a distant time zone on holiday or find yourself constantly suffering from tiredness, even on short trips.

In this article, we’ll uncover the meaning of “jet-lagged” and explain how you can avoid the dreaded “holiday insomnia”, ensuring you are well-prepared for your next trip!

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What is Jet Lag?

You don’t need to be a jet setter to suffer from jet lag – a single trip across several time zones can leave you feeling exhausted, sluggish, light-headed, anxious, sick or irritable. But the greater the time difference, and the more frequently you change time zones, the greater the risk.

Jet lag usually only occurs when the clocks at your destination are more than three hours different from home.

When you travel west, you ‘lose’ time – in other words, the clocks go back compared to UK time. Travelling west usually leads to less jet lag than travelling east, when you ‘gain’ time and clocks go forward.

One thing to note is that you’ll only be at risk of jet lag if you travel by plane. If you’re travelling by boat, on a cruise holiday say, your body should have time to adjust, and jet lag shouldn’t be an issue.

What Causes Jet Lag?

Your brain has an internal body clock, controlled by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus. This part of your brain regulates the production of two hormones linked to alertness and body temperature – melatonin and cortisol. Scientists have worked out that your body clock naturally runs for just over 24 hours. That may be why travelling east (when bedtime comes earlier than it would at home) causes more jetlag than travelling west, when it feels like you’re having a late night.

At night, when your hypothalamus isn’t receiving light signals from your eyes, it tells another part of your brain (the pineal gland) to release melatonin. This release usually starts a couple of hours before you go to bed, which is why you may start to feel drowsy. In daylight, melatonin release drops. The higher your melatonin levels, the better you sleep and the better you concentrate when you’re awake.

Cortisol levels are closely linked to those of adrenaline – the ‘fight or flight’ hormones. These levels tend to rise in the early mornings. Adrenaline makes you feel more alert. For every hour, you ‘lose’ or ‘gain’ by crossing time zones, it takes your body’s cortisol levels about a day to get back into sync.

Some people are more prone to jet lag than others, even if they take the same trip. If you’re travelling just for a few days, you may be able to stay close to the UK time. For instance, if you’re going to New York for three days, where the clocks go back by five hours, you could go to bed every evening at 8pm (1am UK time) and set your alarm for 4am (9am UK time). If you’re doing this, keep evening light to a minimum and get out into daylight the moment you can in the morning to avoid your body adjusting.

How long jet lag lasts can depend on your circumstances, but it tends to last for no more than a week. Most people will find that their internal clock catches up with their travels in a few days.

If you do find that your symptoms continue for more than a few weeks, you should talk to your doctor.

Beach Hammock

What is Holiday Insomnia?

Holiday insomnia refers to the difficulty of sleeping that many people experience during their holidays. While holidays are generally intended for relaxation, the change in routine and environment can disrupt normal sleep patterns. Factors contributing to holiday insomnia include unfamiliar sleeping conditions, noise, temperature variations, and sometimes anxiety about travel plans or activities.

This type of insomnia can be exacerbated by disruptions in your usual sleep schedule, dietary changes, or even the stress of trying to make the most of your holiday. Symptoms typically include trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early, leaving you feeling unrested and fatigued the next day. Understanding these triggers can help you take proactive measures to ensure a restful holiday experience.

What Causes Holiday Insomnia?

The main causes of holiday insomnia primarily revolve around changes in environment and routine. Firstly, unfamiliar surroundings can significantly impact one's ability to relax and fall into a deep sleep. The noise levels in hotels or holiday accommodations often differ from home, leading to disruptions throughout the night. Secondly, temperature variations, either too hot or too cold, can also make it difficult to achieve restful sleep.

Furthermore, anxiety or excitement about the upcoming holiday itinerary can keep the mind active when it should be winding down. Changes in diet and consumption of caffeine or alcohol, which are common during holidays, might also interfere with normal sleep patterns, further exacerbating the issue. Lastly, being in a different time zone, even if not far enough to cause jet lag, can disturb your usual sleep schedule, contributing to insomnia.

Understanding and managing these factors can help minimise their impact and promote better sleep during holidays.

What Are the Main Symptoms of Jet Lag and Holiday Insomnia?

As with all illnesses, jet lag can manifest in one person differently than it might in another; however, some of the main symptoms of jet lag are: 

  • Difficulty sleeping at normal times
  • Poor sleep quality when you can sleep
  • Feeling tired and/or exhausted when awake
  • Issues with concentration and memory 

In some cases, someone experiencing jet lag might also have dizziness, nausea, indigestion, constipation and feelings of anxiety.

Although holiday insomnia shares similar symptoms with jet lag, there are distinct differences to be aware of. These include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep due to excitement or anxiety about holiday plans
  • Waking up too early and being unable to fall back asleep
  • Feeling fatigued even after a full night's sleep
  • Increased irritability and difficulty concentrating during the day

In severe cases, holiday insomnia can result in exhaustion and mood changes, making it difficult to fully enjoy the holiday experience.

How Can I Avoid Jet Lag and Holiday Insomnia?

Jet Lag is experienced after you have flown, whether that’s heading to your holiday destination or upon your return home. Holiday insomnia can start even before you have jetted off.

Here are my top tips for helping to reduce the impact of holiday insomnia and jet lag.

Before Your Travel: Holiday Insomnia

Holidays involve organisation – and that can be stressful. In addition to anxiety about getting all your paperwork in order and booking travel, transfers, and accommodation, you may also find yourself fretting about getting all your work done before you leave or work emergencies that might come up while you’re away.

Stress and anxiety very often lead to disturbed sleep. By leaving plenty of time to get everything in order, you’re less likely to be worried about it.

Read our guide on travel anxiety for more tips and try the tips below:

Destination Consideration: If you regularly suffer from insomnia when you go on holiday, consider any time differences in your venue when booking. Staying in a similar time zone to the UK doesn’t mean you have to miss out on exotic locations – for instance, the time zones of the Canary Islands, Seychelles, Dubai, and Mauritius are all within 3 hours of UK time.

Adjust Bedtimes Before Your Holiday: If you are going somewhere with a significant time difference, try to adjust your waking and bedtimes to your new time zone before you leave. If possible, start a couple of weeks in advance and move your timings by an hour every few days.

Work Priorities: There are a few things you can do at work to ensure you are not stressed or anxious about heading away:

  • Make a list at work, ideally a few weeks before you go, of all the items you need to get finished before you leave. Dedicate some time each day to ticking one or two off.
  • Let your colleagues know well in advance when you’ll be absent and ask them to avoid last-minute requests.
  • Nominate a work colleague you trust to contact while you’re away – and ensure they’re not on holiday over the same period! Make sure they know what their responsibilities will be.
  • Set up an out-of-office message on your email (you can usually schedule them from a date in the future) with details of who to get in touch with in your absence.
  • Try to avoid staying at work late in the run-up to the holiday. Disruptions to your work routine can also put your sleep out.

Prepare For Your Holiday: Sit down with your travelling companion(s) a few weeks before you leave and work out a complete list of jobs to do to ensure a smooth holiday. Delegate some for each of you – you could try a shared online list where you can each tick off tasks. These include:

  • Check which (if any) travel vaccinations you need and book appointments to get them, ideally 2 months before you leave.
  • Find out if you need anti-malarial tablets and contact your pharmacist to get these.
  • Make sure you order repeat medications well in advance.
  • Make sure your passports are all valid (some countries require passports to be valid for at least 6 months on the date of departure for your trip).
  • Arrange specialist travel insurance which will cover you for any medical conditions you may have.

Pack Handy Accessories: Pack an eye mask, ear plugs, and lightweight nightclothes in natural, breathable fabric for when you arrive.

Before You Travel: Jet Lag

Jet lag can significantly impact your travel experience, leading to fatigue and disorientation as your body adjusts to a new time zone. By planning ahead and implementing strategies to manage your sleep cycle, you can minimise the effects of jet lag and enjoy a smoother transition to your destination.

Start adjusting your sleep pattern early: One of the best things you can do to prevent jet lag is to adjust your sleeping pattern before you travel. By doing this, you’ll be starting on the front foot, and your body will already have transitioned to your new time zone.

If you’re travelling west, this means you’ll need to adjust your internal timings so that your brain believes it’s earlier in the day than it is. A few ways that you can do this include:

  • Try and stay in bright light in the evenings as long as possible.
  • Stay awake and go to bed an hour later every day before your trip for a few days, so that the adjustment is slow rather than sudden.
  • Keep your bedroom dark to try and sleep in later.

If you are travelling east, you should do the opposite and try to go to bed earlier and get up earlier.

Get Plenty of Rest: You may think that a holiday is a time to rest, but if you can try to unwind before you travel, you’ll be more likely to fend off the symptoms of jet lag. Jet lag tends to be worse if you’re already sleep-deprived, so making sure this is not the case before you set off can make a great difference.

Try Technology: The Timeshifter app can be a useful tool to help you adjust your schedule before you leave, and its goal is to connect you with your circadian rhythm.

You’ll be able to enter the details of your travel into the app, and it’ll offer you notifications as prompts on the best actions. Tips include such things as avoiding or seeking natural light; taking naps; staying up; and considering a shot of coffee to raise alertness.

Hotel Switzerland

Whilst You’re Away: Holiday Insomnia

Sleep can be affected by a huge number of factors – temperature, noise, and light exposure. If you find your hotel room facing the street or right next to the lifts, you may want to speak to the hotel staff to see if you can change it.

Temperature Control: Check out the temperature controls in your room during your first day, and ensure the room is at a comfortable temperature when you head to bed. If you’re in a hot country and don’t have air conditioning, your hotel may be able to provide a portable fan. Alternatively, you can request a sheet if the hotel has only provided duvets. If your room is on the cold side, consider changing the heat controls or having a warm shower before bed.

Eye Masks and Ear Plugs: If you’ve brought an eye mask with you, pop that on before you go to bed. Bear in mind that even if your room is quiet when you go to bed, you may be disturbed by other guests or hotel staff in the morning. Fortunately, if you’ve followed my tips above, you’ll also have brought some earplugs which should help you get a good night's sleep.

Eating Schedule: In many Mediterranean countries, it’s traditional not to eat until late at night. But if you’re prone to heartburn or indigestion, a heavy late evening meal can play havoc with your sleep. Consider eating earlier so you have time to digest your food properly.

Exercise and Relaxation: Exercise can be an excellent way of ensuring you’re tired enough to sleep well. But don’t be tempted to exercise too close to bedtime – ideally, avoid all but a gentle stroll to the restaurant for at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Whilst You’re Away: Jet Lag

Adjusting to a new time zone can be challenging, but with some thoughtful planning, you can mitigate its effects. In this section, we will explore practical strategies to help you manage jet lag while you’re away.

Change Your Clock: Changing your clock to the time at your destination on the day of your travel can help you mentally shift time zones before you physically do. Just don’t let it confuse your airport timings!

Keep Hydrated: Dehydration can make jet lag worse, so staying well hydrated is key. Have plenty of fluids on the plane, but avoid alcohol, as this can dehydrate you.

Consider Sleeping: If it’s nighttime at your destination when you’re on the plane, try to get some sleep – booking a window rather than an aisle seat and taking an eye mask and ear plugs may help you to fall asleep, even if other passengers aren’t. 

Think About When You Eat: If you can, try to plan your mealtimes for the time you’ll be eating at your end destination. This is a good way to make your body think the time is different than it is, and it will also set you up for when you land.

Hints and Tips to Fight Jet Lag and Holiday Insomnia

First Night Effect

Humans are creatures of habit. In evolutionary terms, staying in the same environment is safer as we are more likely to know where threats come from. And that means any new environment often triggers our brains to stay alert for potential trouble.

One half (hemisphere) of our brain is more vigilant than the other, acting as a night watch. In some people, this difference in levels of alertness between the two halves is particularly marked – and if you’re one of them, you’re more likely to experience sleep disturbance and unrestful sleep on your first night away.

If you do find you always struggle to sleep on your first night in a new environment, reduce the disruption by:

  • Choosing mid-day time rather than overnight flights, so you don’t have to stay in a hotel before you go or try to sleep on a plane.
  • Take some home comforts (perhaps a pillow or a favourite scented body lotion) with you so your surroundings feel more familiar.

Utilise/Avoid Caffeine

People use caffeine to perk themselves up for a good reason – it is well-proven to delay the onset of sleepiness.  When you’re away on holiday, you may well find yourself lingering over your evening meal, perhaps having an extra cup of coffee to round the evening off. But you may also indulge in more fizzy drinks if the weather is hot. And many of my patients tell me that when they’re on holiday, they feel they ‘deserve’ more treats such as chocolates and chocolate desserts.

It’s not just coffee that contains caffeine. Standard tea is also caffeinated, albeit not to the same extent: an average cup of brewed coffee or mug of instant coffee has about 100mg of caffeine, while a cup of tea contains about 50mg. A double shot of espresso contains around 125mg of caffeine. But colas contain caffeine too (35-50mg in a standard can) and many energy drinks are even higher. Chocolate contains smaller amounts of caffeine, but eating chocolate on top of other caffeine-containing drinks all adds up.

Avoiding colas and energy drinks and switching to decaffeinated coffee may help you get to sleep – de-caff coffee isn’t entirely caffeine-free, it has about 3% of the caffeine of caffeinated equivalents. It’s widely available in most countries these days and will hopefully enable you to stick to your current bedtime routine and fall asleep quickly and easily.

Alcohol – the Enemy of Sleep

You may think that a couple of drinks will help you sleep. In fact, this myth is so common that it’s one of the most used non-prescription “sleep aids”. However, while you may drift off more easily, alcohol severely disrupts the quality of your sleep, particularly during the second half of the night.

If you drink alcohol, you’re more likely to have disturbed sleep, find it hard to stay asleep, wake early and feel unrefreshed. You’re likely to spend less time than usual in the important Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep, which is essential for restoring energy and health.

You’re also likely to wake up more frequently. Because alcohol is a diuretic, you’ll find yourself having to get up to visit the bathroom more often and may find it hard to get back to sleep.

Drinking alcohol will also make you an unpopular bedfellow. Alcohol relaxes the muscles around the head and neck, making you more prone to deep breathing and snoring. These floppy muscles can also block off your airways, leading to ‘obstructive sleep apnoea’ – where you repeatedly stop breathing for short periods and then jolt awake.

So, if you’re struggling to sleep at nighttime, don’t reach for the bottle – treat yourself to a mocktail instead.

Melatonin Treatment

Melatonin tablets are not sleeping pills per se but have been found to help shift your body clock and can be particularly effective at adjusting your sleep cycle if you’re travelling east. This medication isn’t routinely available on the NHS, but many pharmacists now sell it after a consultation to check it’s suitable for you. 

The standard dose for jet lag-induced sleep problems (as recommended by the NHS) is 3mg, which can be taken once a day for up to five days. The first dose should be taken when you arrive at your destination, however, it shouldn’t be taken before 8 pm or after 4 am.

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With these tips, you’ll hopefully be able to keep jet lag and holiday insomnia to a minimum, regardless of the number of time zones you’re travelling through. So, with some planning and some handy sleep aids such as a sleep mask and a useful app, you’ll be able to make the most of your time away.

For more articles and travel inspiration, check out our guides and travel blog.

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