Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, and his primary focus is helping travellers find the right cover for their medical conditions.

Originally posted: 1st Sep 2022

Why do I need travel insurance for Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are pretty common in the UK, that’s why specialist travel insurance covering anxiety is a useful and important item to have for people suffering with the condition. 

If you’re on the lookout for this type of cover - then you’ve certainly come to the right place. We work with many specialist medical travel insurance providers, so you can compare cover quickly and easily to find a policy that works for you.

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Do I have to declare anxiety on travel insurance?

Yes, you will need to tell us about any mental health-related conditions that you or, any travellers on your policy, have been diagnosed with. As part of your quote, you'll be able to declare anxiety as a pre-existing health condition.

In doing so, it’s likely that you’ll be asked a few questions about your condition. The answers you provide will help travel insurance providers get a better understanding of your mental health and general medical background.

For example, you might be asked:

  • Are you currently taking any medication to treat your anxiety? 
  • Have you been treated for depression within the last 3 years? 
  • Have you ever had a compulsory admission to hospital as a result of this condition?
  • Have you ever been referred to, or reviewed by a psychiatrist for this condition within the last 2 years? 
  • Has this condition ever caused you to cancel, or cut short any travel plans?
Paddle board in the sea

What does travel insurance for anxiety cover?

By declaring anxiety on your policy, you can rest assured that your cover will take into account your condition, and any impact it has on your trip. For example, if your anxiety flares up before your holiday, and you are medically unable to travel, or whilst you are away, and you need emergency medical treatment.

Alongside providing cover for your anxiety, you can expect your travel insurance to include the same things that a standard travel insurance policy would include, such as: 

  • Emergency Medical Expenses and Repatriation- if you’re hospitalised, or even need to be repatriated back to the UK as a result of your condition. 
  • Lost, Stolen or Damaged Personal Belongings- this could include any medication that you’re taking with you to treat your anxiety.  
  • Cancellation and Curtailment- if you suddenly decide to cancel your trip, or end up cutting it short.
  • Travel Delay- this won’t always be included, so check your cover
  • Personal Liability- if you cause accidental damage to another person, or someone else’s property - cover is provided.

You can compare this type of cover across a range of specialist travel insurance providers.

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Optional extras

  • Of course, you can add any optional extras that you need - such as:  

    This may increase your premium, but it’s definitely something to consider when shopping around, especially if you have different types of holidays planned.

Dr Sarah Jarvis, MBE

Top tips for travelling if you have anxiety

Dr Sarah Jarvis is the Clinical Director of the Patient Platform, an active medical writer, broadcaster, and the resident doctor for BBC Radio 2.

We all get anxious from time to time – and uncertainty or feeling out of control is one of the biggest triggers. If you have a history of medically diagnosed anxiety, you'll need to declare it.

Anxiety often goes hand in hand with depression. At any given time, one in 12 people has mixed anxiety and depression and between one in 20 and one in 50 has generalised anxiety disorder. In addition, about one in 10 people get occasional panic attacks and for one in 50, they're frequent enough to have a real impact on your life.

Holidays can be a great way to relax, get away from your worries, and curb your anxiety – so suffering from anxiety certainly shouldn't stop you from travelling. However, there are some extra precautions to bear in mind.

  1. Be prepared. If you've done some research into what to expect – both while you're travelling and at your destination – you're less likely to get any nasty surprises. You may have a natural tendency to avoid thinking about worst-case scenarios (travel delays, lost luggage etc), but by going through your options when you're in a non-stressful environment, you're less likely to panic if it happens.

  2. Have coping mechanisms to hand. Ideally, make sure you have some coping strategies (relaxation techniques, meditation or mindfulness) which you've practised in advance. It's much easier to put them into effect if you've got into the habit of doing them.

  3. Distract yourself. Travelling involves taking yourself out of your comfort zone, and it's very common to end up focussing on your anxiety. As well as the churning thoughts, feeling anxious often involves physical symptoms as your body is flooded with adrenaline. Make sure you have some distractions (whether it's your favourite puzzles, magazines, or a good book) to help distract you.

  4. Recognise adrenaline. The feelings connected with excitement and anxiety are very similar in some ways, because both circumstances tend to raise your adrenaline levels. Plan your itinerary to include some events you're really looking forward to – a relaxing massage, a walk along the beach at sunset. If you start feeling anxious, visualise these and try to focus on the positive.

  5. Go with a friend. Ideally, travel with a companion who is aware of your condition. That way, they can share the concern of any unexpected glitches in your plans. They may also find it easier to cope in an emergency as they may be able to deal with the practical issue at hand more objectively.

  6. Know your triggers. If crowds make you anxious, timing is key. You may not be able to avoid crowds at the airport, but you can plan much of your travel at quieter times. If flying is your biggest concern, consider a coach trip or cruise, or stick to short-haul flights.

  7. Think carefully about alcohol. While many people think alcohol reduces symptoms of anxiety, it's actually a depressant. In the short term, if you drink too much, you're more likely to end up feeling out of control, which can lead to acute anxiety and panic attacks. In the medium-long term, alcohol can worsen depression and the anxiety that often goes hand in hand with it.

  8. Have strategies so you can cope with any panic attacks. Symptoms of panic attacks include palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pains, dry mouth, sweating and trembling, feeling or being sick, and feeling severely anxious or as if you're going mad. The first way to deal with a panic attack is to learn to recognise what's happening. Slow breathing techniques can make a huge difference.

  9. Don't let your medication be an extra source of anxiety. If you are taking regular tablets, stock up well in advance and check the details on the foreign embassy website of the country or countries you're visiting to make sure they're allowed. See our article on carrying medication abroad for other tips to avoid medication mishaps.

  10. Get peace of mind with the right insurance. Don't be tempted to avoid declaring anxiety on your travel insurance – not declaring a pre-existing issue could make your insurance invalid.
Venice Image

Get anxiety travel insurance quotes from specialist providers

It’s easy to compare quotes for specialist anxiety travel insurance with us.

Our online comparison tool will help you find the right cover in minutes. Once you’ve told us about your trip and any pre-existing health conditions, you can compare competitive cover across a range of leading anxiety travel insurance providers. 

Explore your options today and get covered.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes - we’ve helped our customers compare specialist cover for hundreds of pre-existing conditions including anxiety and you can get a quote today if you like.

It’s possible to compare competitive quotes across specialist anxiety cover - although the premium will ultimately depend on how much cover you need based on your individual circumstances. Get a quote today and see for yourself!

It’s wise to declare your anxiety, just to ensure you have protection in place for your condition before you go away, or whilst travelling. 

Besides anxiety, you can get covered for a number of other mental health conditions including bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, OCD, PTSD and Schizophrenia to name a few.

No, we are unable to provide cover that excludes any of your pre-existing medical conditions.

* Price is based on 1 traveller aged 61, who has declared Anxiety and is travelling to France for 7 nights. The price is correct as of July 2024. Prices may vary according to your individual requirements.

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Don't just take our word for it...

If we're unable to help you find cover for a pre-existing medical condition, the Money Helper Directory has listings of companies that may be able to assist you. Further details can be found on their website.

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