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We can't offer cover for one-way trips 🚀.

We cover trips that begin and end in the UK.

Whilst the insurance providers on our site do not offer backpacker cover, many will offer cover for longer trips.

If you are getting Single Trip cover, please make sure you add all of the countries you are visiting.

If you are getting Annual Multi Trip cover there will be a limit to individual trip lengths, but cover may be available for up to 90 days - just tell us how long you think you'll be going away for when you get a quote!

If you're extending your trip, contact your insurance provider directly before the expiry date.

Insurers won't grant an extension if your policy return date has expired.

If you have not yet travelled and need to change your dates, you will also need to contact your insurance provider.

Single trip insurance covers you for a specific trip and you will need to provide your travel dates.

You can use assumed dates to create quotes, but you'll need your actual trip dates when purchasing a policy.
Provided that your single trip policy includes cancellation, you'll be covered as soon as you have paid for your policy!

The dates for a single trip policy should start from the time when you leave your home to the time when you get back your home.

For more information, read our guide on when to buy cover.

Single trip insurance is for one-off, individual trips and will cover your specified travel dates.

If you’re not a frequent traveller, single trip cover is a great option and genuinely works out cheaper than annual multi-trip cover.

You can cover a range of eventualities such as:

✅ Cancellation
✅ Personal Accident
✅ Lost/Stolen Property
✅ And much more!

Mohamed Nashah Kmihwgpbdeg Unsplash

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