Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, and his primary focus is helping travellers find the right cover for their medical conditions.

12 min read

Summer holidays are just around the corner. For many of us, it's the perfect time to revel in those amusing little holiday quirks we secretly adore, no matter how cliché they might seem! From savouring a pint of beer at 6 am in the airport to overindulging at the breakfast buffet, and the irresistible urge to reserve sun loungers with towels—these traditions are what make travel so delightful.

While we take joy in exploring new destinations, these familiar rituals bring us a comforting sense of nostalgia. To celebrate the return of summer, we’ve compiled a list of the top holiday clichés that Brits simply can't resist! Whether it’s the anxiety of misplaced passports, photographing every meal, or donning matching family holiday shirts, these cherished habits add an extra layer of fun to our adventures.

Join us as we dive into the charming and amusing idiosyncrasies that define our holiday experiences and make each trip uniquely memorable.

Sorting and folding clothes for packing

The 'Pre-Holiday' Wardrobe & Overpacking

Even though you probably won’t end up taking it on holiday, you rule out wearing any potential holiday clothing at least one week before your departure. During this week, you find yourself frantically doing laundry and ironing to ensure every piece of holiday clothing is in pristine condition, ready for its grand reveal on your getaway.

You spend the week sweltering in winter jumpers or trying to avoid being seen in old outfits before you finally head off on holiday. Despite your best efforts, last-minute overpacking often leads to a suitcase bursting at the seams with items you'll never actually use while away - with the majority of your do-not-wear items, not making the final cut of your baggage allowance. Yet we always find room for extra pairs of underwear and socks...

UK Passport

The Passport Panic

It's the night before your holiday, and you've spent hours meticulously arranging your luggage, playing a real-life game of Tetris to fit everything you need for your trip. Your clothes for the early morning start are laid out and ready and the only thing left to pack is your hand luggage.

  • Passport? Check.
  • Book? Check.
  • Snacks? Check.
  • Passport? PASSPORT??

You know you've placed it in the zipper pocket of your bag, yet you can't resist the urge to double-check.

The next morning, as you head to the airport, you find yourself repeatedly verifying that your passport is still there. Panic sets in when, on the umpteenth check, it seems to have vanished! But no, it's just slipped further down in the bag.

Once you've finally convinced yourself that your passport is safe and with you, a new worry creeps in: has your partner packed theirs? The need to confirm their passport's presence becomes an obsessive ritual, repeated every 15 minutes until you're both seated on the flight, ready for takeoff.

Matching Tshirts

Matching T-Shirts

Holidays with friends or family are incomplete without matching t-shirts. This beloved tradition, cherished for decades, continues to bring joy to travellers of all ages. Each member of your holiday group wears a matching t-shirt, personalised with their name or nickname, often including the trip date and destination. These T-shirts fit every occasion.

Heading to Disney with the family? Matching t-shirts. Celebrating a birthday or attending a hen or stag party? A perfect time for matching T-shirts. Yet, these t-shirts are usually only worn once, for that one group photo, before being quickly taken off and packed away.

Eventually, when you're back home, these shirts get washed and are then relegated to the back of your wardrobe and forgotten about, where they will inevitably become your next painting and decorating t-shirt.

Beer At Airport

The Early Morning Airport Pint

The airport is the perfect place to let go of any travel stress and start getting into holiday mode. The bustling atmosphere, the anticipation of upcoming adventures, and the array of dining and shopping options set the stage for relaxation. As you walk through the terminals, you can feel the excitement in the air, with people from all walks of life eagerly awaiting their flights to various destinations. And what better way to kick off your journey than with an early morning pint?

Airports are filled with options, from cosy pubs to elegant champagne bars, there's nothing like a little tipple to get you into the holiday spirit! Even though you would never think of drinking at such an early hour at home, somehow it becomes a holiday tradition that we just can’t resist. There's something special about that first sip. Whether you're travelling alone or with loved ones, these moments at the airport help set the tone for an unforgettable holiday.

Baggage Carousel

The Luggage Carousel Scrum

The fear of someone else taking our precious holiday-wardrobe-filled suitcase inspires many of us with the need to push ourselves to the very front of the carousel. After disembarking from the plane after the long flight, we find ourselves walking a little faster than normal, with the hopes of getting through security quickly, so we can be reunited with our luggage ASAP.

We anxiously wait, eyes fixed on the conveyor belt, ready to grab our suitcase the moment it appears. We scan other bags as they pass by, hoping we haven't missed ours. The thought of someone else taking our carefully chosen outfits is unbearable, and nothing—man, woman, child, or even dog—will stand in our way.

We even start eyeing the bags others have taken, fearing the worst. Our thoughts race: Has it been stolen? Did it even make it onto the plane? Anxiety builds, and panic begins to set in. Then, finally, our suitcase appears (and it's usually the last one off)!

Breakfast buffet

One Plate or Two? Overdoing the Buffet

Nothing says 'holiday' more than a hotel breakfast buffet, with many offering a huge selection of delicacies to choose from. Under the guise of "I'm on my holiday!", we Brits always seem to over-indulge, when it comes to the buffet.

Starting with one of the ten cereal options, we move on to the continental breakfast, loading our plates full of pastries, cheeses and meats, before we move on to course three, the Full English Breakfast, complete with eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes. The temptation to try everything can be too much to resist – just how many platefuls can we manage?!

Whilst we load our plates, we can't help but notice the kaleidoscopic colours of the fruit bar, telling our family or friends, that we: "will be good and go for fruit tomorrow..." whilst we silently whisper to ourselves, "I don't think so.".

Heart Sunset

The Holiday Photo Album(s)

Capturing the precious moments of our holiday is important, as we want to remember the places we visited and the experiences we had. However, we often have a habit of taking too many photos of the same things. We all know that one family member or friend who snaps a picture of every meal, drink, and scenic view, and probably has multiple social media albums dedicated to their holiday photos.

They meticulously document each dish, from the first bite of breakfast to the last sip of a late-night cocktail. Scenic views from different angles fill their camera roll, and every sunset is captured in a series of shots to get just the right lighting.

But hey, at least we can look back and remember exactly what we ate for breakfast on the third day of our trip!

Towel on Sunbed

Beach Towels at Dawn: The Sunbed Fight

Reserving sun loungers with towels at the crack of dawn is a quintessential holiday ritual we can’t seem to shake. This unofficial and unspoken competition often sees early risers racing to the pool or beach to secure the best spots, armed with towels, magazines, or even inflatables. Despite the hotel’s polite notices discouraging this behaviour, the thrill of knowing you’ve bagged the prime location for the day is too tantalising to resist.

For many, it’s almost a badge of honour – a silent passive-aggressive victory in the battle for the best sunbathing locations. And let’s be honest, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of settling into a perfectly positioned sun lounger, knowing you’ve claimed your territory for a day of relaxation.

Taste Of Home

Eating Out for a Taste of Home

Let’s be honest, when it comes to dining out on holiday, the allure of local cuisine is strong. The tantalising aromas of street food, the burst of flavours from regional specialities, and the opportunity to explore new culinary landscapes can be incredibly exciting. However, sometimes we just crave the familiarity of our favourite chain restaurants. After a long day of sightseeing, the comfort of a known menu can be irresistible.

Nevertheless, we often convince ourselves that a quick stop at McDonald's is essential, persuading ourselves with thoughts like, "It might taste better here!" or "The menu might be different!". It's as if we believe that each location offers a local twist on the classic offerings, and we can't resist the urge to find out. Even with menu items specific to the country you're visiting, you can't help but order the same thing you would at home. Whether it's the fries or the Big Mac, our cravings for a taste of home, drive us to make that unnecessary stop.

Dutry Free Shopping

Obligatory Non-Required Duty-Free Purchase

No trip through an airport is complete without a wander through the duty-free shop. Whether it's stocking up on luxury chocolates, sampling the various perfumes, or grabbing a bottle of your favourite tipple, the allure of duty-free shopping is almost irresistible.

Many of us convince ourselves that we are saving a fortune, despite only buying things we wouldn't normally purchase (like giant a Toblerone!), just because who can resist a bargain? It's an integral part of the holiday experience, a chance for a final indulgence before the flight home.


Finally….the Post-Holiday Blues

Did it even happen? After returning from our trip, we lament the fact that it "feels like a lifetime ago... my tan has already faded.". The vibrant sunsets we witnessed and the taste of exotic food we savoured, start to feel like distant memories. Soon, the routine of daily life quickly takes over, with its endless tasks and responsibilities.

Yet, we can't help but browse the internet for our next getaway. The excitement of planning another adventure keeps us going. We find ourselves scrolling through travel blogs, researching our next destination, and imagining the thrill of exploring unknown places again. This anticipation gives us something to look forward to and dream about, making the mundane moments of everyday life a bit more bearable.

Regardless of how many of these clichés you can tick off, holidays are the perfect time to indulge and treat ourselves. Whether it's through the food we eat, the photos we take, or the duty-free purchases we make, these holiday clichés have become an integral part of our holiday traditions. And at the end of the day, isn't that what holidays are all about – creating memories, having fun, and breaking away from the routine of daily life?

Holidays are all about the laughter shared with loved ones, the new adventures embarked upon, and the simple joy of relaxation. So go ahead and embrace those clichés on your next trip away – because after all, you're on holiday! Allow yourself to be present in the moment, relish the freedom, and make the most of every experience that comes your way.

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