Tommy Lloyd
Author: Tommy Lloyd, Managing Director

Tommy has over 15 years experience within the insurance industry, and his primary focus is helping travellers find the right cover for their medical conditions.

There can be nothing worse and more stressful than experiencing an illness or injury whilst on holiday. You’re away from home, in an unfamiliar place and often faced with language barriers and culture barriers as well. This is why it’s important to always consider the worst-case scenario and ensure you know what to do in case you have a holiday accident whilst you travel.

Looking to make sure you’re prepared? Here is a step-by-step guide on what to do if you fall ill or have an accident on holiday.

Holiday Illness Steps

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1. Assess the Situation

The first step is to thoroughly assess the situation to determine the severity of the illness or accident that has occurred. It's natural to initially brush off seeking treatment, especially if you find yourself in an unfamiliar place or feel like waiting until you arrive home. However, it's crucial to assess the seriousness of the illness or accident to decide whether immediate action or treatment is necessary, as you may be working against a dangerous time limit. Delaying could potentially worsen the condition, making timely evaluation critical.

To evaluate the situation, begin by checking for visible symptoms and keeping a detailed note of these in case medical intervention is required. This documentation can be invaluable for healthcare providers. Consider the overall appearance and behaviour of the individual; signs of severe illness may include but are not limited to extreme lethargy, confusion, difficulty breathing, or an inability to tolerate fluids. These indicators should not be taken lightly, as they could signify a potentially life-threatening issue.

A simple yet thorough assessment will help determine whether you are dealing with a minor injury or a more serious condition that may require immediate medical attention. In cases of doubt, it's always better to err on the side of caution and seek professional medical advice. Remember that timely intervention can significantly impact the outcome, improving the chances of a full and faster recovery.

2. Seek Medical Attention

If necessary, now is the time to seek medical treatment. This could involve calling emergency services or getting yourself (and any injured person if it's not you) to a nearby medical facility. We recommend knowing the emergency number of the country you’re visiting in advance—many countries use 112 or 911.

When requesting assistance, clearly communicate your location, the nature of the emergency, and the details of the incident. Mobile services like the what3words app can be useful for pinpointing your location if you're uncertain.

If you experience an illness or accident that allows you to travel to a medical facility, do so promptly, and ensure you’re familiar with your accommodation details in case you need to return. Packing an overnight bag with essentials can be prudent if the situation permits.

3. Notify Your Travel Companions

Now is the time to notify your immediate travel companions if they are unaware you’ve been involved in an accident. Informing them promptly can be crucial as they’ll be able to provide you with much-needed support and assistance. This support might include staying by your side during medical treatment, ensuring you have everything you need, such as fresh clothes and personal items, and communicating with your friends and family members back home to keep them informed of your situation. Additionally, they can assist in seeking advice and helping you understand the necessary steps to take following the incident.

If you are travelling with a tour operator, it is wise to also inform them about your situation as early as possible. Tour operators, especially those offering guided holidays, often have contingency plans in place to assist travellers during emergencies. They might be able to offer guidance on navigating holiday accident claims and arranging medical treatment, ensuring you receive the necessary care and support during this challenging time. Furthermore, they may assist with logistical arrangements, such as rescheduling your travel plans or facilitating communication with insurance providers, to help you manage the aftermath of the accident with greater ease.

Jellyfish Sting

4. Contact Your Embassy or Consulate

In the event of accidents occurring abroad, it is crucial to promptly contact your embassy to inform them of the situation. They are equipped to provide necessary assistance if required. Before embarking on your travels, it’s wise to note down the embassy's contact details, which are often accessible through government websites. We strongly recommend recording both their general and emergency contact numbers, as you might need to reach out to them outside regular business hours.

Your embassy can offer invaluable support if you fall ill or experience an accident. They can assist by reaching out to your family back in the UK and informing them of your hospitalisation if you're unable to do so yourself. Moreover, they can facilitate communication between overseas medical staff and UK medical professionals or your insurance company to obtain crucial advice regarding your medical history.

This ensures that you receive the best possible care tailored to your needs, and it can also help in arranging any necessary medical transfers or treatments. Having their contact information readily available provides peace of mind, knowing that help is just a phone call away if you find yourself in a difficult situation while abroad.

5. Inform Your Travel Insurance Provider

If you're facing a medical emergency, have had an accident, or feel unwell and need treatment while travelling, now is the best time to contact your travel insurance provider. Prompt communication can simplify obtaining necessary care and ensuring your expenses are covered. You can find your provider's contact number in your insurance documentation, typically located with other key policy details. This number serves as your lifeline to getting support during unexpected health issues abroad.

If you're unable to contact them personally due to your condition’s severity, someone can do so on your behalf, whether it’s a travel companion, family member, or medical professional overseeing your care. Keeping your insurer informed is crucial to resolving any issues with claims and expenses later.

It’s important to notify your insurer as soon as you require medical treatment since they might need to approve costs beforehand. Ideally, contact them before any treatment begins, but this isn’t always feasible, especially in emergencies or rapid health declines. If prior contact isn't possible, you might need to pay initially and seek reimbursement once you're safely home and feeling better.

Ensure you initiate your claim at the earliest opportunity and provide all necessary information and documentation. This includes details of your illness or injury, the treatment received, and associated costs. Keep all receipts and evidence of expenses to facilitate a smoother claims process. The more detailed and accurate the information, the more efficiently your insurer can process your claim and provide the support you need.

6. Notify Your Family and Friends

From being involved in a road traffic accident, getting injured in a swimming pool, or falling seriously unwell, there are plenty of unfortunate scenarios that could lead to getting hurt while on holiday. These incidents can happen unexpectedly, turning what should be a relaxing time into a stressful experience. In such situations, it's crucial to keep your friends and family informed about your safety and well-being.

They will want to know that you are safe and, if injured, will appreciate updates on your condition and progress. Now is the time to communicate what has happened to them, ensuring they are not left in the dark about your situation.

However, when you are the one affected, you might not have the capacity or energy to reach out personally. In these instances, the people taking care of you, or a trusted travel companion can use your phone to notify your loved ones on your behalf. This underlines the importance of setting up your medical ID on your phone through an operating system like Apple, where it can be accessed directly from the locked phone screen.

Alternatively, if you are using a different system, there are apps available that securely store crucial information such as your next of kin, emergency contacts, and details about any medication you are travelling with. This preparation can be a lifeline, providing peace of mind to both you and your family that vital information is readily available if needed.

Bandaging Ankle

7. Consider Adjusting Your Travel Plans

Of course, if you become unwell or are unfortunately injured whilst on your holiday, you may have to adjust your travel plans as you may have to fly home early or extend your holiday to ensure you receive the necessary medical care. In such situations, it is important to assess your health condition promptly and seek professional medical advice to decide the best course of action. If you can, you should communicate with the hotel, airline, travel provider, tour operator, or anyone else who needs to know to let them know your situation.

This will allow you to inquire if certain reservations can be rebooked or cancelled without incurring additional fees. Being proactive and transparent with your travel partners can help alleviate the stress of unexpected changes and ensure a smoother transition during your trip.

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8. Follow-Up Once Home

After receiving initial medical care abroad, it is crucial to follow up with local healthcare providers or specialists as needed once you return home. This step ensures that any treatment you receive is continued appropriately and that no complications have arisen. Regular follow-ups are essential to confirm that your condition is improving and that you are fit to resume your daily activities without any risk.

Additionally, this is an important opportunity to update your GP on the incident or illness you experienced abroad. This update is especially significant if it involves a pre-existing condition, as it can influence your current or future treatment plans. Keeping your healthcare provider informed helps in tailoring your ongoing care to your specific needs and ensures that any necessary adjustments to your treatment are made promptly.

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Make Sure You Have Comprehensive Travel Insurance

One of the most important steps before you even go on holiday is to ensure that you have the appropriate travel insurance, particularly medical travel insurance if you have pre-existing conditions that might affect your trip. This is crucial as it provides a safety net from the time you book your holiday until you return home. With the right protection, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that if you encounter any issues such as accidents, lost luggage, flight delays, cancellations, or any other unforeseen events, you won't face a financial burden.

Travel insurance is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and if you’re embarking on a specialised holiday, securing specialised insurance is essential. For instance, those planning a cruise should consider purchasing cruise holiday travel insurance. This type of policy typically covers unique situations like missed port departures, which can disrupt your travel itinerary, and cabin confinement due to illness or quarantine, ensuring that you are protected throughout your voyage.

Similarly, if you’re an enthusiast heading to the mountains for a skiing adventure, winter sports insurance is indispensable. Beyond the standard cover for medical emergencies and travel disruptions, this insurance also includes protection against specific risks such as avalanches and piste closures due to weather conditions. This means that even if nature takes its course and impacts your plans, you’re financially safeguarded, allowing you to focus on enjoying the slopes.

In summary, comprehensive travel insurance tailored to your specific holiday plans not only offers financial protection but also enhances your overall travel experience by alleviating potential stressors. Whether it's a relaxing cruise, an adventurous ski trip, or another type of specialised holiday, ensuring you have the right insurance is a key part of your travel preparations.

READ MOREDo You Need Travel Insurance?

Get a quote

You can visit our help centre on Claims which may help. However, if you need to make a claim, full details of what you need to do to make a claim will be detailed in the Policy Wording provided to you by your insurance provider. 

Single Trip insurance is for one-off, individual trips and will cover your specified travel dates. This is usually up to 45 days; however, some insurance providers can cover up to 94 days. If you’re not a frequent traveller, single trip cover is a great option and will likely be cheaper than an annual multi-trip cover.

A pre-existing is any medical condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received before applying for a travel insurance policy. For some conditions, we'll need to know if they have ever been present, whilst for others if they occurred within a certain period.

Once you've received a quote you can check your policy wording to make sure your winter sports activity is covered.
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